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Family Activities

What can be more fun than doing family activities? Well, let me think....... LOL. Seriously, remember when you were a child the things that stick out the most are usually when you family was happy and doing things together. What a better time to have fun and reinforce our faith?

It is important to have a strong family life that has God in the center. Now the key to having the fun is knowing what activities to do. We have many activities in the Kid's Corner, also some in the Prayer Room. The important part as a parent with the activity is to bring attention to the importance of God.

Take nature walks and point out the leaves that God so delicately made. The weird little beetle that crawls across the sidewalk. In the spring find a dogwood tree and tell about the dogwood legend with the flowers representing the cross with the red representing blood and the 'crown of thorns'.

Trust me its worth it. Make family time fun with an activity. Make it an important lesson by putting God in it.

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