Paper Mache Mask

What you need:

What you do:

Cover work surface with newspaer or drop cloth. Make an oval shape with some longer{1 X 8} strips of newspaper. And then mix flour and water to make paste. {1 cup water to 1 cup flour} Mix till smooth. Dip a strip of newspaper in mixture and then removee excess by running paper through your fingers. Lay paper across your oval frame. Cover mask frame with 4 or 5 layers of strips. To make noses or noses or horns dimension use paper rolls or cones. Let dry over nite.

Cut out eyes and mouth if desired and paint. Let dry completely and then apply sealer.


Shirt Painting

What you need:

What you do:

Lay out newspaper to protect working surface. Put plastic bag or cardboard inside shirt to separate front and back. Make shapes out of sponges to use as stamps. Put some paint in meat tray and dap sponges into paint. Dap excess onto scrap paper. Now paint your shirt. Allow to completely dry(about 24 hours) and wash before wearing.


Clay Dough

What you need:

What you do. Mix flour, salt, oil and water in bowl until dough like. Put on waxed paper on work surface and sprinkle with flour. Knead into a ball. Divide ball into clumos of dough. Poke an indention in middle of each and put a few drops of food coloring. Knead until color is mixed through. Wow! you got playdough!

Leave out in air to dry or store in separate airtight contianers in refrigerator till next time you play.


Bathroom Graffiti

What you need:

What you do:

In the bathtub: Cover one wall in the bathtub with shaving cream and use comb, washcloth, and sponge to make pictures.

Outside of bathtub: Using a baking sheet cover it with shaving cream or non-dairy whipped cream. Add food coloring for color and then create some art.


Quilt Making

What you need:

What you do:

Draw a quilt design on a piece of graph paper. Use ruler to make triangles, squares, and other shapes. Measure exact size and cut them out of poster board to make pattern pieces. Cut out patterns in the scrap fabric. Using an old paint brush paint the back of the fabric and glue it to the poster board according to you design on the graph paper. After dry, trim cardboard poster and frame your quilt.

